Following unexpected challenges in their lives, all women experience a series of events that cause them to question whether they are on the right track and whether they made the right decisions. Many of them face a lack of information or confusing data about women's issues, struggle to meet new people and friends, and limit themselves with their own beliefs and self-doubt about their full potential.
The Migrant Women Empowerment Project brings together three organizations from three different countries to collaborate on four workshops for women empowerment over the course of 18 months. Project dedicated to migrant women in their new country.

Interactive Education

The Key Topics
Inclusion, promoting equality and non-discrimination.
Promoting gender equality, women's rights, and women's education.
Reception and integration of refugees and migrants.
To give the "new women in town" the confidence to believe in themselves and believe that they can add value to the local community.
The Target Groups
Migrant women
Women refugees
Adult educators and social workers working with migrant women
Organisations working with and for migrant women
Local government offices that assist migrants
The Erasmus Priorities
Inclusion and diversity -
empowering women, specially migrant women that feel lost and excluded from new society.
Improving the competences of adult educators.
Promoting Erasmus+ among all citizens and showing the programs support for disadvantage groups and for migrants
​Project: 2021-2-PL01-KA210-ADU-000050955
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